Technically, this was the title of an existing Wix post but I liked it, so I just edited the content.
I should be welcoming to you my new blog but here I am, giving you background information instead. Let me do this properly.
Hello there, new reader! Welcome to my home. Would you like some tea?
Cue standing ovation.
I have wanted to have a blog for the longest time. I had no idea what I wanted it to be about and I actually still do not. I just really wanted to write something and put it out there for eternity...or until we run out of internet. So, I started a Tumblr blog. However, I do not use it as much because I wanted my own blog.
It's like a house. Tumblr was a house I was renting. I bought decorations and furniture and made it comfortable. I had neighbours that I would greet but they wouldn't greet me back and it was okay. I was always planning on moving out. From the time I was a child, I had wanted a house that I would build. I wanted to be able to take down walls and repaint as often as my wallet would allow. I wanted to be able to say to my friends, "I can give you the contractor's number." But only if they asked because, you know, doing it unprompted would be pretentious.
And that is where Wix came in.
So, let's hope I stay in this house (and pay all my bills) because I need a home.
Thanks for visiting. Come again soon! And bring something next time.
I realize that this post looks like an ad. It is not. Would I be opposed to being paid? Not at all. (Just putting it out there.)